
person praying

Moments of Spirituality

We can never hope to attain wholeness as long as we ignore our Spirituality.

The Spiritual aspect of our nature is what sets us apart from animals. It’s the part of us that is seeking fulfillment, purpose, meaning, joy, peace, acceptance, unconditional love, and belonging.

This is the part of us that asks the hard questions as we seek to make sense of life and our place in it.


What’s the point?

What is my purpose?

Is there any point in trying?

And so on.

There’s no easy answer, but that should never stop us from seeking.

In these pages I will be thinking out loud and asking some hard questions as I challenge my own faith. Because, contrary to popular belief, Faith is not blind.

These are the Moments of finding purpose, meaning and a deeper understanding of Self in relation to God.

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