MAD Italian



MAD Italian – Moments of Madness

This MAD Italian has plenty to laugh about. Stories of everyday moments that have gone embarrassingly wrong, mainly because of my propensity to get lost in a daydream.

It is said that the moment you learn to laugh at yourself is the moment you grow up.

The ability to laugh at life and to laugh at one’s self plays an important role in personal development, particularly in the area of self confidence and resilience.

In other words, if you don’t laugh, you cry.

These are the moments of mistaking a customer for a shop assistant and getting annoyed with them for not helping; meeting a celebrity and asking who they are; or mistakenly walking into the men’s toilets and ordering the teen boys to leave because you’re convinced it’s the ladies’. It’s almost getting arrested in an Italian airport and later becoming besties with the police officer. Or getting locked in a building because you lost track of time, daydreaming on the loo.

Why else do you think I’m called the MAD Italian!

When you live with ADHD or Neurodiversity, these moments are commonplace. How you respond to them will determine how you define yourself and how others define you.

Laughing at yourself and laughing at life is best way to accept yourself, warts and all.

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